Be My Guest On Tuesday: Charlotte E. Hart and Once Upon A

TuesdayHello again to another edition of Be My Guest on Tuesday. Today the lovely author of dark erotic suspense, Ms. Charlotte E. Hart, paid me a visit to present her newest release, Once Upon A, the beginning of a brand new series for her after the White trilogy and VDB. If you’d like to read her fabulous interview, check it out here. Without further ado… Once Upon A.





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Once Upon A

Stained Duet #1

Charlotte E Hart


Alana Williams is three published authors. She has been for years, but now she wants to add another voice to her whirlwind of deadlines and unachievable targets. Trouble is, she knows nothing of her latest literary undertaking – KINK.



It began as research. Just research. The technical approach. One that delivers the content necessary for a hidden culture to seem plausible, even if it’s not. Readers expect perfection from me. They want the experience. They need to be taken on a journey. That’s my job as a writer.
Blaine Jacobs is his name. He’s my research. A man who seems as logical and focused as me. A man who agrees to help. A man who, regardless of his stature in the community, seems to offer a sense of realism to this strange section of society. And even if he does occasionally interrupt my data with dark brooding eyes and a questionably filthy mouth, what does it matter? It’s just research, isn’t it? It’s not real. None of this is. Nothing will come of it or change my mind.

So why am I confused?
I’m becoming lost.
Falling apart.

And Blaine Jacobs, no matter how calm he might have seemed at first, now appears to linger on the edges of sanity, pushing my boundaries with every whispered word.


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About The Author

Charlotte is an erotic romance author and poet living in the heart of the Shropshire countryside in Great Britain. She’s lived all across the United Kingdom due to her previous employment as an Event manager but finally settled in a small town that still reeks of old school England. She graduated from college with a degree in Business and her Horse Riding Instructors Qualification which eventually led her into the very bizarre world of outdoor pursuits’ event management where she trained to instruct all sorts of equipment. Some of which included crossbows, shotguns, quad bikes, 4×4 driving and archery, she’s not entirely sure how any of it happened but knows that she adored every minute.

When not writing she enjoys socialising with close friends and travelling to all the major cities across the globe, travel has always been a constant companion to reading throughout her life and only increases her thirst for stimulation.

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