You must be getting a lot of e-mails from other authors asking you to reconfirm your subscription, due to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes into effect on 25 May 2018. Well, it’s my turn.
If you don’t reconfirm your subscription to my mailing list, I’ll have to remove you from it after 25 May. Trust me, I absolutely hate making you jump through hoops but I have to comply with the new regulations. Otherwise, I may end up having legal problems and suffer penalties.
I truly hope you enjoy the bi-monthly content I’m sending you and that you’d like to stay on my list so you’d keep up with my writing. If so, please click on the button below to get to my subscription form. If you are no longer interested, you can unsubscribe as early as today. Thank you for your understanding and I hope to see you again on the other side.
If you’d like to stay on my list and keep receiving my newsletters and updates on my work, please, fill the form below. I will use your personal data for no other purpose but to send you monthly newsletters. You are free to unsubscribe anytime you choose.
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