Author Spotlight: Patient Lee

She is a fun, quirky lady with a dirty imagination and fantasies that know no boundaries. She is also a devoted teacher, mother and wife who enjoys dabbling in what she calls “erotic realism”, the secret and spicy sexual life of ordinary folks that rarely find their place in erotic romance. Her tales combine theContinue reading “Author Spotlight: Patient Lee”

Author Spotlight: Patrick Khayler

Patrick Khayler was one of the first writers of erotic romance of the opposite sex I had the pleasure of meeting and getting to know. He is a creator of beautiful and sensual tales, fascinating characters and plots that keep the reader hooked to his novels. Make no mistake, my guest today is not a self-proclaimedContinue reading “Author Spotlight: Patrick Khayler”

Author Spotlight: Meet Charlotte E. Hart

My guest at Author Spotlight today is the fabulous Ms. Charlotte E. Hart, an author of delicious kinky suspense, gin lover, traveler and connoisseur of the fine things in life, such as well-rounded sadists. She is an author of the White trilogy, a character-driven story, and definitely not the traditional billionaire erotic romance with a bitContinue reading “Author Spotlight: Meet Charlotte E. Hart”