#WIPITUP Wednesday – A Generous Gift For The Young #Mistress – Unorthodox Chemistry


Hello to all the Wipsters and welcome to the first edition of the fully restored WIPITUP Wednesday blog. The lovely author Meredith O’Reilly  was awesome enough to rekindle the project and start a new Linky Tools account so special thanks to her and her dedication. The blog has a new address in here.

I haven’t made much progress with Unorthodox Chemistry, or at least not much since the last time I posted. Now that 2017 has officially started I’ll get my ass in gear and make a progress with it. There are so many things that keep me from fully immersing in it and writing but I’ll find the time. Meanwhile, enjoy a little something from Chapter 8.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy, live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.



It’s been months since the dominant programmer Thomas Jett parted ways with Lina Riley, his boss, mentor and submissive lover. Thomas is drowning in his own guilt and doubts, desperately trying to find peace with his past and forgiveness for his sins. Lina struggles to rebuild her destroyed life, her reputation as a CEO and not completely lose her sanity.

They can’t forget the intense chemistry and intimate connection they shared, the passion and the dynamics of their power exchange. And what is worse, neither Lina nor Thomas can move past the horror of the night that tore them apart.

One unexpected night will reunite them and ignite the embers of their furious, painful passion. While they are struggling with their invisible demons a very real enemy waits in the shadows, ready for a revenge. Will Lina find strength in subspace or that would be her ultimate demise? Can Thomas regain control over her and what is most important, over the darkest parts of his own psyche?


While we were making our way through the crowd several tops approached Mistress Sheila. They were uttering her name with a respect and offering her their subs as a treat. One of them who introduced himself as Sir Walter, a gentleman in his sixties, with a goatee and a silver cane, was quite the impressive case. He held two subs by their leashes, a man and a woman who were kneeling obediently by their Master’s feet. They had the perfect bodies of people who work out all the time, slave collars signifying they were owned and tattoos of his initials on their hips. Their eyes were cast down in a perfect obedience. I noticed that they even moved in a synchronous fashion.

Aren’t they adorable?” Sir Walter snickered and patted their heads. “They could easily pass as twins. Sometimes I have them roleplay as a brother and sister and they are really good at it. It’s a rare to find someone who is so convincing during rape play.” The girl shivered as he ran his fingers down her chin, to her heavy collar. “They’ll do everything you tell them, Mistress, are you sure you don’t want them for the night? I’d love to see what a young lady like you can do with my slaves. They were trained to please both men and women.”

Did the old fucker just look at me in a suggestive way? Seriously, have I started exuding some gay vibe?

Allie smiled widely and I could see in her eyes she was tempted. Most of her former official subs were men in their late thirties or early forties but she had a pretty various sexual appetite. Usually, she’d accept his offer without blinking an eye and put the pseudo twins through their paces.


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. And now head back to the WIPIT UP HQ for more snippets of works in progress.

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