Welcome to a very special edition of Be My Guest On Tuesday. I’m pleased to announce the new release of the lovely Pandora Spocks, the fourth book in her Dream Dominant collection. Warrior Mine is dedicated to two of the characters from Book 2, Lost and Bound. The moment I read about Scott and Jackie I just knew they HAD to have a book of their own as their dynamics intrigued me from the moment they met. Pandora agreed and here’s the final result, a new standalone spin-off. It’s already on my Kindle and I can’t wait to start it. The book is with a special release prize of 0.99 cents so don’t be late and get your copy today. If you’re not convinced, check out those super hot teasers below.
She is the perfect combination of princess and warrior.
Scott Nielsen and Jackie Walker.
Their attraction is instant from the moment they meet.
But he’s Dominant. And no way is she submissive.
Is it a missed connection? Or a divine appointment?
Scott Nielsen is ready for change. He’s walked away from his career as a wilderness counselor, planning to start his own outdoor survival school. He looks up his old friend and former colleague Blake Walker, intent on leasing space at Blake’s family’s remote wilderness guest lodge. That’s where he meets Blake’s sister Jackie, who runs the lodge with her brother’s help. Her strength and independence intrigue Scott. A single mom, Jackie has no intention of being anyone’s submissive.
In his personal life, Scott is tired of casual sex in the BDSM club scene. Envious watching his buddy Blake fall head over heels for his own submissive, Scott thinks he might be ready to take the plunge himself. As he and Jackie spend time together, he’s enchanted with her inner Warrior Princess. But Jackie’s been burned before. And she has two children who are her priority, not to mention the business to run. As independent as she is, she can’t see relinquishing her power to a man, not even one she’s falling for.
Scott’s heart aches at the idea of not having Jackie in his life. Can she take another chance on love, or will she insist on ignoring her submissive soul?
If you enjoyed LOST & BOUND, you’ll love this spin-off stand-alone story.

“It’s a gorgeous day,” Scott commented.
“It really is. I haven’t been out in the woods like this in a long time.”
Scott watched her appraisingly. “Are you much of a camper?”
“I can hold my own.” She lifted her chin, and he saw a glint of challenge in her eye.
“I imagine you can,” he smiled to himself.
He watched her dig the toe of her boot into the soft black earth and push it into a small heap. “So let’s talk, Jackie.”
She exhaled loudly, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw her grip her hands so tightly together, her knuckles were white.
“This makes you nervous,” he observed.
“Well, yeah! You’re over here wanting me to agree to be some kind of…I don’t know what…slave, I guess. That’s so not me.”
“You’re right, it’s not. I see in you a submissive soul, but a slave is not remotely what I have in mind. Jackie,” he straddled the log to face her, “you’re a strong, smart, sexy lady. I admire the hell out of you.”
“So why do you want me to give all that up?”
“I don’t want you to give anything up. I love all those things about you.” He laughed softly. “I love that you challenge me. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Jackie’s expression was dubious. “I don’t understand what you want from me. Am I supposed to run and jump into your arms like Amy does Blake?” She rolled her eyes.
Scott had to laugh. “You’re not a slave, and you’re definitely not a baby girl like Amy, either.” He gave her a side-long glance. “Amy’s a sweet girl, but she’d drive me nuts. A Daddy Dom I am not.”
“Good, because there’s no way I’m calling you Daddy.”
“Our dynamic would be more King and Princess. You’d call me Sire.”
He was pleased when he saw her reluctant smile. “All I want is for you to let go and allow me to lead you, to help you be free to be your true self. You can depend on me, Jackie.”
Restlessly, Jackie got up and paced back and forth. “It’s not like it’s just me, Scott. I’m a mother. I have two kids to care for, and they have to be my priority. I can’t decide I’m going to just go off and do whatever I want. Plus, there’s the business…”
She stopped pacing and faced him. “I’m a whole ‘package deal’. You don’t need all that. You should be out meeting women who aren’t so tied down.”
Scott couldn’t stop the smirk as the image of a nude Jackie tied to the posts of a bed flashed through his mind. She must have realized it because she blushed bright red.
He gave in to the temptation to tease her just a little. “I’ve met my share of women, Jackie. Women who don’t mind being tied down.”
He chuckled. “I’ve done the club scene, and I’m tired of casual sex. When Blake told me he’d found someone, I must admit, I felt envious. I took a hard look at my life and I realized it was time to make a change. I had no idea I’d meet someone so quickly.”
Arms crossed, she stood ten yards away. He considered going to her, but changed his mind, allowing her space.
“I’m attracted to you, Jackie, in a way I haven’t been to anyone else. You have no idea how hard it was for me to resist you that night you came to my room. Hell, to resist you last night. You’re beautiful, Jackie, in case no one’s told you in a while. That one perfect exposed breast? I’ve had dreams about that.”
Jackie blushed, wrapping her arms more tightly around herself.
“Together we have an explosive chemistry. I know you feel it, too. I’m dying to take you to the next level.”
Arms still crossed, she shrugged. “Yeah, we have physical chemistry. Maybe it’s because it’s been a long time for me, I don’t know. And I appreciate the things you’ve done, like taking care of things when Emma was sick, and Jesus, you saved Grant’s life.”
She started pacing again. “And you washed my hair. I couldn’t believe you did that. So when you say, Now be my submissive,” she deepened her voice to imitate Scott, “it’s like I owe you.”
“You don’t owe me, Jackie. I washed your hair because it was what you needed. That’s what a Dom does.” He gazed out through the woods and exhaled sharply. “I think you’ve read too many so-called BDSM books about sadist Dominants. That’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about safe, sane, and consensual. Always.” He looked back at her. “You can depend on me, Jackie. I’ve got you.”
She walked to the edge of the clearing, her back to him. Her voice was small. “What if I depend on you, and you leave? I don’t think I could survive that. Better to be on my own and know what I’m getting.”
“Jackie, I’m not him. I’m not that guy.”
Scott couldn’t stay away from her any longer. He approached her, tentatively reaching out to touch her shoulder. “I’m this guy, right here, asking you to let me share your burden, to lighten your load, and set you free.”
She reached up to put her hand on his. Her voice was small. “I don’t know if I can do that.”
Leaning down, he kissed her hand. “Fair enough.”
Another teaser (things are getting hotter)
Enjoying the view, she watched as he walked to the bed and reached beneath it, removing a Kink Ink bag. “I went shopping myself today while I was in town.” His bag was larger than the ones she and Amy had returned with.
From the bag, he withdrew a mass of black straps and silver chain. Arching an eyebrow dramatically, he carried the device toward her, stopping beneath the massive log that served as the center beam of the cabin. Belatedly, Jackie noticed a heavy black ring attached to the beam. Reaching up, Scott secured a thick steel chain to the ring overhead. From the chain hung a curved black bar, with black straps in various lengths that dangled beneath.
Scott crooked a finger. “Come.”
Ignoring the butterflies performing dive bombs in her stomach, Jackie slowly padded toward him.
“Do you know what this is?”
She chewed her lower lip. “I have a pretty good idea.”
Jackie flushed crimson. “It’s a sex swing?” She eyed the device curiously. Two padded straps connected the ends of the curved overhead bar, one longer than the other. Two short straps with cuffs at the ends hung suspended from a chain at the center of the bar. And at either end of the bar hung a longer strap with cuffs at the end, presumably for ankles.
He nodded. “I thought,” with his hands on her hips, he turned her around, “we might try something interesting.” He moved the lower strap behind her thighs. “Sit, Princess.”
Heart pounding, Jackie did as she was told, grasping onto the straps that hung down. Scott knelt, fastening a padded black cuff around each of her ankles, spreading her wide. Then he moved the shorter padded strap behind her shoulder blades. “Now lean back, Princess. I’ve got you.”
Shakily, she lay back against the thickly padded strap, gripping the side straps for dear life. With a smirk, Scott peeled her right hand off the strap, kissing it lightly before raising it to the cuffs overhead. He followed suit with her left hand.
When she was completely fastened in, he gave her a little push and stepped back to admire his handiwork.
“Whoa,” Jackie gasped as she swung around in a slow circle.
Scott grinned. “How does it feel to be completely under my control?”
Jackie tried unsuccessfully to suppress a nervous giggle. “It’s not so bad.”
“Not so bad? I’d rather it was oh, so good.”
As she swung around, she lost sight of him. When he came back into view, he was holding a black satin blindfold.
“Tonight, Princess, is all about sensations. We’re going to cover your eyes, so you can concentrate on what you feel.”
He stepped toward her and stopped suddenly. “Did you come up with your own safe words?”
Her eyes widened. “Oh. Yes. I did.” She looked to him, feeling suddenly sheepish. Maybe we should just go with the original ones, she worried.
He raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to elaborate.
“Well,” she gestured with a shoulder, causing the swing to spin to the left, “I thought I’d use earth, water, and fire.”
Scott pursed his lips in amusement. “Earth, water, and fire. What about air?”
As she spun, she shrugged. “Well, I only needed three, so…”
“Earth is the same as green?”
Jackie nodded. “And water is like yellow, and obviously fire is red.”
“Obviously,” he smirked. “Alright, I’m about to blindfold you. Give me feedback.”
“Earth.” She watched him carefully.
“Earth it is.” He leaned down and kissed her tenderly before he slid the black satin mask into place.
The next time he spoke, he sounded further away. “If at any time you feel uncomfortable, use your safe words.” She felt a swish of air, as though he’d moved by her.
“I considered a ball gag,” his voice came from in front of her, “but I need to be sure I can read your body language before we take away your voice.”
Strong hands gently gripped her lower calves as he trailed kissed up the inside of her right leg, his facial hair prickling in a maddeningly sensual way. When he reached the place where her thigh joined her body, he skipped her needy place to travel back down her left leg.
Jackie groaned with disappointment, and she felt the vibration of his chuckle against her inner thigh. “All in good time, Princess. The King will feast, I promise.”
When he’d finished his travels, he released her, sending her spinning in a slow, dizzying circle. With the blindfold, Jackie had no sense of up or down, left or right. She felt as though she were floating.
Then she heard a soft buzzing sound, followed by Scott’s sexy chuckle. “Oh, this is a naughty toy. Just what did you get up to with this?”
Mortified, Jackie was at once glad for the blindfold, and sorry she wasn’t gagged. “I, um…used it.”
He whispered into her ear. “Yes, but how?”
Oh. My. God. “I pressed it against myself.”
“And where exactly did you press it?”
Jackie cleared her throat. “I pressed it against my pussy.”
“Your pussy. This glorious pussy right here?”
She yelped as he unexpectedly touched the vibrator to her sex. “Yes.”
She felt him stiffen. “Yes, what?”
“Oh! Yes, Sire.”
He applied an open-handed pop to her pussy, and she yelped again. “How quickly we forget. Perhaps we should stop and allow you to consider the error of your ways.”
Jackie’s mind flitted to what Amy had said about orgasm denial, and she panicked at the thought of not being allowed to come during this play session. “Um, no, Sire, really, it was merely an oversight on my part, I’m so very sorry, please, I didn’t mean it, I just—”
Scott laughed out loud. “You’ve been talking to Amy, I see.” He whispered, closer now. “Don’t worry Princess. I plan to wear you out tonight.”
HOT! 18+! #NSFW
Throughout the morning’s activities and on the ride back to the lodge, Jackie and Scott exchanged heated glances. She found herself wishing the day away, longing for the night to come. If he didn’t come to her, she would definitely go to him. She needed him in the worst way.
Unless he really is angry with me, Jackie fretted.
She needn’t have worried. Much later that night, after putting Grant and Emma to bed, Jackie retreated to her own room, taking her time as she showered, washing her hair and shaving various pertinent areas. After blowing her hair dry, she brushed on a touch of black mascara and added sheer lip gloss. She eyed herself in the mirror as she slid a new nightie over her head, a silky seafoam slip gown with a sheer lace bodice.
Ready to tiptoe down the hallway to Scott’s room, Jackie opened the bathroom door and was surprised to find him standing there, bare-chested with his arms crossed.
“You’ve kept me waiting, Princess.” He arched an eyebrow severely, but the heat in his eyes belied his strict demeanor.
She raised her chin defiantly. “Well, I didn’t actually know—”
“Knees. Now.” He pointed sharply to the floor beside his feet, his voice low but intense.
She was tempted to come back with a smart retort but thought better of it. Instead, with a saucy glance his way, she lowered herself to her knees, resting her hands, palms up, on her thighs, the way he’d shown her in the cabin. She tried to still herself despite the adrenalin that thrummed through her veins. As independent as she was, there was something incredibly hot about Scott taking charge.
Her eyes were closed, but she felt him step closer, sliding a bare foot between her thighs. When he wiggled his toes, they touched her pussy, and she gasped lightly.
“You have had a day, haven’t you, Princess?” he asked, tenderly stroking her hair. “You started off by charging after a bear who could have killed you with one swipe of a paw.”
Jackie snorted. “That’s a little dramatic. I hardly think—”
“Silence.” Though his voice was soft, his tone was sharp. “You will speak only when you have the King’s permission.”
Briefly, she scowled up at him then closed her eyes again, sighing deeply.
“You challenged me when I confronted you, and you used profanity. All of that before breakfast.” He placed a finger beneath her chin and tilted her face toward his. “Look at me, Princess.”
Jackie complied, attempting to fix him with a defiant stare, but failing when she saw the fire in his eyes. Instead, she just blinked up at him, feeling the heat between her thighs as he wiggled his toes again.
“That sassy mouth of yours. I think we need to give it a job.” He lowered his zipper, releasing his solid, erect cock. “Open.”
Unconsciously, she licked her lips and her stomach performed a half-gainer as she saw the precum pooled at his bulbous tip. With a glance up at him, she opened her mouth and took him in, moaning with pleasure as she lapped up his essence.
Scott exhaled deeply, resting a hand on her head. Then he cleared his throat. “Your infractions have piled up. But I’m not going to spank you now. That will come later, when we have more privacy. Because we’re—”
He stopped, gasping as she increased her suction and fisted the length of him that didn’t fit into her mouth. Jackie smiled to herself, as much as she could with her mouth filled with cock, pleased that she could exert a little control over the King.
“Fuck me,” he breathed. “We’re going to need privacy because I’m going to wear your ass out. Right now, however, I’m going to fuck your face. After which, I’ll be fucking your cunt.”
He gripped the sides of her head and shoved himself deep, choking Jackie. She coughed and sputtered.
Scott watched her carefully. “Safeword if you need to.”
Determinedly, she shook her head and continued sucking with gusto as he pushed in and out. She felt his cock grow unimaginably hard.
“Shit, Jackie, I’m coming,” he hissed. “Take it all, Princess. Don’t waste a drop.”
He shoved into her a final time and his hot cum jetted into the back of her throat. Jackie swallowed as quickly as she could, eager to prove to him that she could, choking only once. When he started to remove himself, she closed her lips around him, sucking off any remaining ejaculate and earning a deep groan.
Scott ruffled her hair as he sat heavily on the side of her bed. “That was very good, Princess.” He gave her a quizzical look. “And that was the first time you’ve ever swallowed?”
She nodded smugly, and he smiled. “You get a little more practice, and I’m a dead man,” he laughed.
Author Bio:
Pandora Spocks is a sassy ginger and hopeless romantic, living her happily ever after in South Florida. She enjoys reading and writing literary erotic romance.
She is the author of the three-novel epic romance Rannigan’s Redemption, modern-day adult fairy tale Chasing Ordinary, and a naughty little romantic novella, Just One Night. Her Dream Dominant Collection is a series of light BDSM stand-alone novels featuring sexy Alpha males and the strong red-haired submissives who can’t resist them. The collection currently includes four novels: Luke & Bella, Lost & Bound, For Sparrow, and Warrior Mine.
Pandora is busy on her laptop, working on her next spicy romance.
Connect with Pandora:
Website: https://PandoraSpocksAuthor.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PandoraSpocksAuthor/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PandoraSpocksWP
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pandora.spocks.author/
MeWe: mewe.com/i/pandora.spocks
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PandoraSpocksAuthor
Book+Main Romance Bites: https://bookandmainbites.com/users/18186
Bellesa: Porn for Women: https://bellesa.co/story?id=216/rannigans-redemption-1-resisting-risk
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2u03Gcm
BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/pandora-spocks
Authorgraph: https://www.authorgraph.com/authors/PandoraSpocksWP
Pandora’s Box Unleashed Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/cxLw-9