Daily Prompt: Silk

  Rules: Feel free to join my daily prompt challenges by writing a story of 500 words or less centered around the prompt word. If you write it on your own blog, please, link back to mine. My main playground is erotica and romance but you can write your story in any genre. Prompt word: #SilkContinue reading “Daily Prompt: Silk”

#MasturbationMonday – A Special Wine Tasting – Unorthodox Therapy #BDSM

It’s another Manic Monday in need of sweetening so I thought of sharing a little of my favorite way to drink wine. Not recommended for mulled wine lovers yet hot enough to lift your Monday blues. “I always thought the most important thing about drinking wine was the proper glass. I couldn’t ask for a betterContinue reading “#MasturbationMonday – A Special Wine Tasting – Unorthodox Therapy #BDSM”