Be My Guest On Tuesday: Ian Smith and Various Anthologies

Today Ian Smith is my guest on the blog to present some anthologies he’s been a part of. He’s been on my blog before to present the first three novellas of the Merely Players series. As you can see he’s pretty versatile in his writing, from paranormal erotic romance to cozy romance. Check out thoseContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: Ian Smith and Various Anthologies”

Review: King's Captain (Merely Players Book 2) by Ian D. Smith

Author: Ian D. Smith Genre: Erotic Romance Purchase link: My rating: 5 out of 5 Blurb: Paul is Hayley’s lover and now her leading man. But acting and portraying a hero on a period TV show takes far more than a suit of armour. He’s totally out of his depth, personally and professionally. Help arrivesContinue reading “Review: King's Captain (Merely Players Book 2) by Ian D. Smith”