Promotional Post: Mesmer by Cari Silverwood and Jennifer Bene

This week I have two dark queens on my blog. I’m a huge fan of Cari Silverwood’s Mesmer universe and her Dark Hearts trilogy. She and another big name in the genre, Jennifer Bene, decided to extend that universe with one more dark jewel. The book came out just this Wednesday and I bring itContinue reading “Promotional Post: Mesmer by Cari Silverwood and Jennifer Bene”

Be My Guest On Tuesday: Jennifer Bene and Destruction

It’s been a while since I had any guests here so I thought it was appropriate to invite the lovely Jennifer Bene to showcase her latest dark romance, Destruction. As you can guess, it’s a book not intended for the faint of heart but there’s a thrilling sensuality about it, just read the teasers toContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: Jennifer Bene and Destruction”