Unorthodox Dom is Live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited

Unorthodox-DomHe was a Dominant on training wheels. She was a wild masochistic kitten and more than he bargained for.
Thomas has reached his breaking point.
Work, studies, lust for his sexy boss, his own kinky urges are driving him insane.
He’s sick of hiding.
In walks Kat. Sassy, creative, submissive to the bone and a hot mess of epic proportions.
The first girl who ever craved his punishing spanking, dominant touch and rough lovemaking.
What happens when her life begins falling apart?
Can Thomas put it back together with strict rules and iron discipline?
Is he strong enough to save her from herself?

Unorthodox Dom is 30,000 words erotic romance novella featuring hot, erotic action, a Dominant new to the lifestyle, a bratty submissive in need of a firm hand and a badass Dominatrix. Not a menage, no cheating. The story takes place four years prior the events in the Unorthodox Trilogy but it can be read as a standalone. Bonus material – chapter 1 of Unorthodox Therapy.



Release date: November 20, 2017.
Pre-Order it now for 99¢.

Author Bio:

Lilah E. Noir is an author of dark erotic novels and stories with elements of taboo, seduction and different aspects of the BDSM spectrum. There is usually an element of romance and tenderness but don’t expect her to write a sweet love story only with affectionate vanilla sex.

Lilah is an author of Stroker Ace, a novella focused on a young couple’s dying marriage and the mysterious Domme who helps them come to terms with their own sexuality, needs and fears. Stroker Ace has been nominated for a Best BDSM Book of 2015 at the Menage category.

In June 2016 she released her first full-length novel Unorthodox Therapy – a reverse of the traditional boss/employee relationship that explores the nature of addiction. You can expect its sequels, Unorthodox Chemistry and Union by the end of 2017.

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Excerpt Choice One (filthy)


The room echoed with Kat’s muffled sounds while Allie ran her long nails down the girl’s body. She teased its most sensitive spots and withdrew, leaving her right on the edge, with soaked, trembling thighs and hard nipples.

I slid the long chain of the clover clamps under the one holding the nipple clamps. The cold metal slid across her hot skin and prolonged her agony. Allie picked up the vibe, turned it on and placed the smooth steel head against Kat’s clit. I crisscrossed the two chains and attached the clover clamps to her pussy lips. They pulled the flesh apart and left her inner lips and clit fully exposed.

Kat had put nipple clamps and pussy weights very high on her list of preferences. Still, that must have been quite intense even for her. Her eyes widened and she started screaming behind her gag. Her whole body was shuddering while the pain of the heavy metal clamps went through it. The sensations Allie provoked with the vibe along her inner lips and the sensitive bud of her clit added to it. No matter how much she tried to stay still, it was impossible.

Her howling when she was gagged was so hot.

I looked at Allie and picked up the crop from the bed. She nodded at me with a cruel enthusiasm and moved the vibe to Kat’s nipples. I swung the crop and hit Kat’s clit. That provoked another gagged yell and fresh tears. Our little victim shuddered so hard she had me worried for a second.

Are we still in the green, pet?” I asked in a soft voice and patted her pussy lips with the leather rectangular piece, keeping it tame and teasing rather than harsh.

Kat nodded. For about a minute, Allie and I alternated stimulation between the vibe on her clit and the strong hits of the crop.

You’re so beautiful when you suffer,” I whispered, drenched the edge of the crop with her thick nectar and brought it to her nose. “If I owned you, I’d keep you tied and gagged until I decided you’d had too much.”

I made the final crop hit across her chest. That earned me another agonized scream. I could watch her like this all day but I didn’t want to damage her. Using the clover clamps was already pushing the safety boundaries.

I leaned forward to kiss the line between her breasts and slowly unscrewed the metal teeth around her nipples. When the tender buds were free of the cruel bite, I went to kiss her chest, lick her nipples and ease the hot pain. My fingers stroked her other breast and rubbed the sore spots, marked in red, rough lines. I sank my teeth into her nipple and got up to look at her face, enjoying the battle in those pretty eyes.

Kat’s altered emotional and mental state made me insatiable. I wanted more of her internal struggle. So I decided to push the boundaries one more time. When I pulled my lips away from her aching nipple, I took one of the candles from the bedside table and tipped it. A thin line of wax started dripping down her skin. Allie chose that moment to remove the ball gag so Kat’s cries resounded through the room, desperate yet so sensual.

Please… please… it’s too much.”

Her clit was pounding. I kept running the line of wax across herbody and Allie resumed the vibe torture. Kat sucked in her breath and squeezed her hands so hard she probably left marks all over her palms.

Shhh…” I kissed her lips lightly. My tenderness contrasted to the pain provoked by the wax. “Relax, kitten. You’re really close and you were such a good girl. You can do it.”

She calmed down but the sensations were too much for her. It was getting too painful for me, too. I’d wanted to fuck her for ages. I removed the clover clamps from her cunt lips and sealed my mouth against hers, sinking teeth into her tongue so I’d make her groans louder. Kat kissed me back as if her life depended on it. Her sounds echoed in my mouth when I deepened the kiss and pushed three fingers into her dripping hole, opening it wider. My thumb dug at her clit, working on her most sensitive spots.

I broke the kiss and slapped her breast to make her focus on my words.

On all fours. Eyes to the headboard.”

When Kat bent over to take the position, I got a satisfying view of her bright red lips and puckering asshole. Her knees were weak and I knew she’d cum anytime soon.

Excerpt Choice Two (non-explicit)


I gasped in shock the first time I visited her place. It was in stark contrast to my well-ordered home. Kat lived in a studio apartment and its entire floor surface was covered with sketches and drawings in different stages of completion. Her bed and chairs were draped with fabrics of all colors and patterns. There was a mannequin in the corner of the room. Kat had put one of her latest designs on it. I had no idea what the official name for such a dress was. It was shorter at the front, knee-length, and longer at the back, trimmed with lace and with a V-neckline. Itwas also the type of dress I loved seeing my girlfriend wear, especially with nothing else on.

Her apartment looked like an explosion of colors and different clothes happened there. The kitchen corner was crowded with mugs of half-finished coffee. Kat nervously explained she was usually out all day and didn’t have time to do any housekeeping.

That didn’t surprise me. She was always late for our dates. Her time management skills were lacking and she could hardly keep up with all her tasks. The worst part was that even if she had a thousand ongoing projects, that wouldn’t stop her from venturing into a new activity.

I appreciated her artistic and chaotic nature but I couldn’t handle that disaster.

That’s no excuse.” I smirked and drew her closer to me. “You deserve to be punished.”

Kat glowed. She was just about to get down on her knees and utter, “Yes, sir”. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her waist.

No, naughty girl. There will be no spanking for you.”

She blinked in surprise.

I have to be punished for keeping my room in such a mess, Master.”

And punished you will be.” I slapped her ass very lightly. “Strip to your stockings.”

Kat grinned wickedly and began undressing with enthusiasm. She was swaying her breasts and hips in a dance-like rhythm and staring at me with her hypnotizing eyes. Poor girl. All the allure wouldn’t save her from the cruelty I’d inflict upon her.

When Kat removed her dress, bra and high heels, I slipped my hand in her panties and lazily slid a finger down her mound. She moaned out and raised her waist so I’d press my finger harder against her. I smiled and pulled away.

No, pet. Like I said, this is punishment.”

Kat stared at me with confusion and lost some of her seductive confidence.

Now…” I walked to a nearby chair, covered in a pile of her dresses, skirts, and underwear. I gathered the clothes and put them on her bed. Then I sat down on the chair with all my authority. “Your punishment is to clean this room.”

What?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “But that’s not fair.”

Ah…” I rubbed my chin and smiled at her. “You have a problem with some terms for someone who has been in the lifestyle for as long as you. It’s called punishment for a reason, Kat. You’re not supposed to enjoy it.”

She had told me that ours was the first relationship she’d been in that included kink and power play. Of course, she had a lot of experience as a pro sub and plenty of friends with benefits arrangements. However, she’d never had a boyfriend and a Domin one person.

Kat looked miserable in that moment and yet so adorable I couldn’t help but laugh.

Gather all your sketches and drawings. Sort them into three columns. Completed, half-finished and abandoned ideas.”

Jeez… I knew you were orderly but do you have OCD or something?” She was still pouting like a little girl with her arms folded.

Keep your arms down. Stop sassing me if you want to get your reward, you bad girl.” I slapped her thigh and Kat obeyed at the drop of a hat. “When you’re done, you’ll gather your clothes and put them back in your drawer. The dirty ones go to your laundry basket. When you finish this, you will do your dishes and clean the floor. Questions?”

Yes!” She kept the cute frown on her face. “Who are you and what did you do to my boyfriend?”

I’m your Master, darling, and you’ve been in need of discipline for way too long.” I smiled at her. “I see you still don’t get it.”

Excerpt three (romantic)


When the insane pleasure subsided, I’d untie Kat, kiss her lips and cuddle her for some time. I’d whisper to her I had really needed it and tell her to go and take a shower as I still had a lot to do.

Kat would make coffee and force me to eat. The best part of her presence was when she quietly knelt at my feet and put her head on my thigh. It usually happened late at night. She’d close her eyes and just stay there, not attempting to touch or tease me. Kat was just like a kitten in those moments, seeking the closeness of her owner. It was beautiful. I’d stroke her hair and whisper in a soothing voice.

Go to bed, little one. I’ll just stay a little longer.”

I’m fine here,” she’d whisper in a sleepy voice and suppress a yawn.

I’d smile and put her on my lap to kiss her tenderly.

I know, pet, but I want you to be well-rested.” I ran my fingers through her soft tresses. “I’ll give you a special surprise tomorrow if you’re a good girl.”

Usually, Kat wasn’t too thrilled but she obeyed. She hated sleeping alone. That would give me an incentive to be done faster with my task.

The moment I slipped under the covers next to her was always so warm and intimate. Especially when she rolled over onto her side and cuddled against me, whispering how much she missed me.

I’d probably survive my exams even without Kat. Somehow, though, she made this time easier and helped me not to lose my sanity with stress. The longer I spent with her, the more I was shredding my old insecurities and fears.

Again, how did I ever get so lucky?


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