Announcement: 00Sexy by Dakota Storm is available on Amazon

You can now enjoy another release of a member of the writing group of Mr. Blackthorne. The Nymphette Dakota Storm just released her e-book 00Sexy – adventure, mystery, romance and of course, steamy sex scenes.

Blurb: British born Eve Harper finished out her last tour of duty with the Special Recognisance Regiment and headed off to the USA, determined to find out what her cousin Gina had gotten herself involved in, and why it had resulted in her last living relative getting murdered. No one knew her, and all she has to do was find a way to get on to the Double M Ranch. Enter the handsome Jeff Langland, who just happens to live, and work, at the ranch. Harper can’t take her eyes off him, nor, it seems, can he take his off her, and the moment they touch passion ignites, burning hot and leaving them both scorched. But, what will he do when he finds out what Harper is really doing in the USA? And, what will she do when she finds out Jeff is a United States Marine.

Intrigued? Check out an excerpt of Dakota’s book at Mr. Blackthorne’s site. And once you are hot and bothered enough purchase the book here.

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