Be My Guest On Tuesday: Tori Dean and the Forbidden Genie

tuesdayWelcome to the afternoon spot of Be My Guest On Tuesday for another dose of paranormal romance. In case you have missed Samantha Macleod and The Trickster’s Lover check them out here

Warm welcome to Tori Dean, an author of sweet romance with a twist of naughtiness and paranormal in her work. Today she will lead you in the world of genies with her latest release. If you’d like to read more about Tori, she was also kind enough to take part in my Author Spotlight some time ago.



Princess Isabella is set to marry Prince Michael in an arranged marriage by her parents. Rules are rules in their Kingdom. Every princess in line must marry a prince, regardless of love. Even being a genie, you cannot change the rules.

But Isabella yearns for love. How will she survive the wedding or married life with a man she doesn’t love?

Little does she know that one of her sisters wants to break the rules for her and have Isabella removed by locking her up in her lantern and casting her out into the sea.  
Once Isabella realizes what is going on, she is ecstatic and ends up in Nantucket where she meets Edward Scott and falls in love with him.

Except, her family tracks her down and brings her back home to proceed with the marriage. Isabella tries everything in her power to get out of the marriage, including seeking council with the Great Genie Ali, who advises her that rules are rules.

Feeling despaired, how will she find her happiness in a loveless marriage with love for another residing deep within her heart?


“Welcome, everyone. Please sit. It brings great pleasure in announcing the engagement of my daughter, Isabella, to Prince Michael.” I look around to see everyone happy and smiling. Little do they know, I am crying inside that I am forced into something I do not want. The dull ache in my chest is unexplainable; the emotions I feel are like a rollercoaster of ups and downs and sharp turns with how much I want to find love, someone who will love me back, and knowing there is nothing I can do.
Michael stands, grabbing my hand, and places the ring on my left hand, raising to kiss it. I catch sight of my sister, Arielle, who looks royally pissed. If looks could kill, I’d be dead. I turn slowly and look at Michael. He has a smirk on his smug looking face. I gingerly remove my hand, not wanting to cause a scene.
We sit and eat, while conversations flow amongst everyone. I sit there, listening, smiling, keeping conversation light and minimal. After the meal, I excuse myself and head to my room.
I pull the ring off and throw it on my vanity. “I can’t believe this! I wish I could just disappear to somewhere far, far away.” I open my lantern and disappear. From my family.  Now that I’m inside my lantern, I leave the worries of real life behind to the unfair ruling of my messed up life.



Hi I’m Tori Dean, a fun, classy and heavy on the sexy writer of all things erotic and or romance. I published my first steamy, juicy, erotic or whatever you want to call it romance novella called LUST. I am one who loves to drink coffee or relax with wine, but most of all, I love to dance. Dancing to music is an expression of love, freedom and can be an escape to help you relax. It’s sensual and sexy in forms of making love if you let the sounds of music fill you.  I’m a romantic at heart and enjoy reading and writing stories while I channel those inner fantasies to come out with HEA. I hope my books will leave you feeling the desires of your own fantasies that burn deep down to come out as you crave and ache for more. Thanks for following and reading my stories. You can find me and links to my books on my blog or on Amazon.


Twitter: @ToriDean_247
Facebook: Tori Jo Dean

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