New Release: The Rannigan Boxed Set by Pandora Spocks


Later that week, on Thursday, I’ll present to you Ms. Pandora Spocks in her own Author Spotlight, in a celebration of the release of her first boxed set. The Rannigan Boxed Set is coming out today, June 26th and I hotly recommend it to all those fans of smart erotic fiction and all those who want to read a full trilogy at once. Since I don’t shy away from explicit content you get two excerpts of The Rannigan series. 


Rannigan’s Redemption Collection Boxed Set

Title: Rannigan’s Redemption

Release Date: July 26, 2016

Genres: Erotic Romance

Heat Level: Erotic

Word count: 170, 376

Author: Pandora Spocks

Cover Design: Eeva Lancaster, The Book Khaleesi

Rannigan’s Redemption on Amazon:


Rannigan’s Redemption is the story of the complicated relationship between sexy high-profile Manhattan attorney Michael Rannigan and sassy red-haired fellow lawyer Maggie Flynn.

Michael and Maggie meet at a job fair, where he hires her practically on the spot. She’s smart and good her job. But there’s more to it than he’s willing to admit. He’s attracted to her. Which doesn’t make sense. She’s nothing like the women he dates. She’s way too smart, for one thing.

And Maggie’s in love with him, too. Realizing the situation is all but hopeless, she contents herself with working with him.

One night tears them apart. And from that point they’re both just running rogue, each making questionable decisions in their professional and personal lives.

A moment of desperation brings them back together. After Michael has burned all his bridges, Maggie’s the only one willing to stand by him.

And he’s grateful. He knows he needs to make it up to her, to somehow find redemption for himself.

Although Rannigan’s Redemption was intended to be one book, this story was too long and covers nearly ten years of Michael’s and Maggie’s lives, so it was originally released as three separate novels.

This boxed set includes all three Rannigan’s Redemption novels: Resisting Risk, Running Rogue, and Ransoming Redemption.

Author Bio:

authoravatarPandora Spocks is a hopeless romantic and lives her happily ever after in South Florida with her loving Sir, one large German shepherd, and two normal-sized cats. She aspires to own chickens and a giraffe.

Pandora has had stories pinballing around in her head for years. At one point, she spent hours daydreaming in Mrs. Howe’s ninth grade algebra class. She didn’t learn much algebra, but she had some really good ideas. Recently she decided to try her hand at sharing those stories with others.

She enjoys reading and writing literary erotic fiction. She is the author of smart, sexy adventure novelLuke & Bella: Two Streets Over and the naughty romantic novella Just One Night.

Pandora is currently at work on her next spicy romance.

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Excerpt Choice One (explicit)

One night in late January, Michael attended a black-tie gala at the Met.  His date Kimberley had cancelled at the last minute, suddenly called out of town for an emergency photo shoot.  She was replacing someone who’d dropped out sick. 

He rolled his eyes.  Because God knows we need more swimsuit photos, he thought irritably.  On the other hand, flying solo tonight might not be the worst thing in the world.  He glanced around at scores of beautiful women draped in designer gowns.  I’m always up for something new.

He made his way to the bar where he ordered a bourbon.  “Make mine a dirty martini,” said a smoky female voice to his right.  He glanced over to see a stunning blonde in a sparkling strapless black gown with a deep plunging neckline showcasing stellar tits and a slit up the left side revealing an exquisite leg.

Michael smiled slyly and said, “You know what they say about women who order dirty martinis.”

The woman glanced at him sideways.  “No.  What do they say?” she challenged.

They say that women who order dirty martinis are enchanting, gorgeous, and intelligent.”  He grinned playfully. “I’m Michael Rannigan.”

The woman laughed.  “Well, Michael Rannigan, I see that you’re blessed with the gift of gab.  I’m Alexis Bennett.”

Nice to meet you, Alexis Bennett.  Tell me, are you here with your husband?  Boyfriend?  Lesbian lover?”  He gave his best mischievous smirk.

She laughed again.  “You are shameless,” she said shaking her head.  “No, sadly, they all stayed home.  I’m here by myself tonight.”

We can’t have that, can we?” he grinned.  “Where is your table?”

Alexis pointed to the far side of the room.  “I’m at 17.”

Michael shook his head.  “That will never do.  You’re at the wrong table.”

She frowned.  “Which is the right table?”

Mine, of course, number 5.  I’ll have the situation remedied immediately,” he said.  “Believe you me, heads will roll.”

Throughout dinner Michael kept up the charm and Alexis seemed to enjoy his company.  As they chatted, she revealed that she was a talent agent representing many prominent news personalities and she seemed interested in the fact that Michael was an attorney.

After dinner, they skipped out on the rest of the festivities in favor of heading to Michael’s place for drinks.  Behind his bar mixing a martini for her and pouring a bourbon for himself, Michael regaled Alexis with stories from his years in court, embellishing here and there for effect.  She laughed in the appropriate places as she perched on a bar stool across from him.  His eyes were drawn to her mesmerizing cleavage and to the shapely left leg obligingly revealed by the slit in her gown.

Are you going to keep undressing me with your eyes all night, or are you going to man up?” she asked as she drained her glass

Michael grinned mischievously.  “I’m something of a voyeur,” he said.  “How about you undress while I watch?”  He sauntered over to the couch and took a seat, crossing his ankle over his knee and resting his arms on the back.

Alexis slid off the stool and stood in the middle of the living room.  Giving him a sly look, she reached under her left arm and unzipped the Elie Saab gown and let it slide down and pool around her black Christian Louboutins. 

She reminds me of Veronica, Michael thought.  They could almost be sisters.  His cock responded instantly to that thought.

He smiled appreciatively at her black lace bustier with garters holding up sheer black stockings.  A tiny black thong completed the ensemble.   His eyes traveled back up to the creamy mounds bursting from the top of the overextended lace.  He hooked a finger toward her in a ‘come hither’ motion.

She walked over and straddled him, pressing her lips to his.  He’d waited as long as he could to get his hands on her glorious tits.  A sharp tug allowed them to spill out over the top of the bustier and he gathered them up in his hands, hefting their weight and brushing across the sharp pink nubs with his thumbs.

Alexis, for her part, began to grind his erection with her sex, moaning lightly as his member responded favorably to her movements.  As he took her left tit into his mouth, she moved her hands down to undo his pants and release his rock-hard cock.  Shifting slightly, she pulled aside the thong and slid him into her, tossing back her head as he filled her wet and needy core.  Her movements began in earnest as she rode him feverishly.  Michael moved his hips in harmony with hers and felt his release begin to build.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and gripped her tightly as he stood, laying her on the coffee table and beginning to fuck her in earnest.  “Oh, baby, you feel so good,” he cooed into her ear.  Her heightened cries announced her imminent climax and he felt his own release pulsing in conjunction with the clenching of her sex.  The sensation of ecstasy washed over him as his essence poured out.

He held himself over her for a moment, panting to catch his breath, before he kissed her lightly on the forehead and removed himself from her.

Excerpt Choice Two (not explicit)

Maggie strode purposefully across the lobby of Michael’s building.  It had been a shit week and knowing that she had to work all weekend to make up for what she’d missed, all she wanted to do was to check in on Michael, deliver his soup, and head home to a nice hot bath and a large glass of wine.  Ahead of her a man was just stepping into the elevator and she increased her pace, hoping to make it before the doors closed.  He turned and their eyes met just as the doors slid shut.

“Well, shit!” she muttered, juggling her purse, her brief case, and the bag from the deli.  Just then the doors slid back open.

“Sorry about that,” the man said, “I didn’t realize you were right behind me.”  He held open the door as she stepped in and turned around.  “What floor?”

Maggie glanced up at him.  He was tall with broad shoulders, muscular without being muscle-bound, with wavy brown hair and sparkling blue eyes framed by the longest lashes she’d ever seen on a man.  She’d noticed a bit of a drawl when he spoke.  Dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, he’d apparently been working out in the gym.  He stood beaming at her with a boyish grin on his face and he seemed to be waiting for her.  She realized she was staring. 

Oh, shit!  What floor?  “Oh, sorry, um, twenty-one, please.”

He grinned again.  “Twenty-one.  That’s my floor, too.”  He held out a hand.  “I’ve only been here a couple of months.  We haven’t met yet.  I’m Bobby.”

Maggie shifted the deli bag and grasped his hand.  “Um, I’m Maggie.  I don’t actually live here.  I’m visiting a friend.”  She paused.  “Do you know Michael in 2101?”

Bobby’s eyes widened and he took a step back.  “Oh.  You’re one of Michael’s girls.”

Maggie frowned.  “No.  I am absolutely not one of Michael’s girls.  Nope.  Not me.  No way.”  She shook her head emphatically.

Bobby grinned wryly.  “So you’re not one of Michael’s girls.”

She felt her face flush.  “I’ve known Michael for a long time.  We used to work together.  He’s a little…under the weather, and I told him I’d stop by, bring him some soup.”  She held up the deli bag for emphasis. 

He flashed the boyish grin, blue eyes sparkling with amusement.  Maggie felt her pulse race and a warm flush crept up her neck.  What the hell?

“So you’re a lawyer.”

She nodded.  “Yep.  Sorry.”

“Why sorry?”

“Everybody hates lawyers,” she replied as the elevator doors opened on the twenty-first floor.  She stepped out into the hallway and immediately went down hard on her left knee. 

“Motherfucker!” she cried out.

Bobby was beside her instantly.  “Are you alright?  What happened?”

Maggie looked around.  “My shoe.”  The heel of her right shoe was caught in the space between the elevator and the hallway.  It had snapped off as she stepped forward.  Bobby grabbed it before the doors closed, then gently took her arm and helped her up.

“Did you hurt yourself?” he asked, concerned.

“I’m alright, really,” she replied shakily.  Blood was dripping from her knee and running in rivulets all the way down her shin.

“You banged up your knee.”

“But I saved the soup, so there’s that,” she quipped.

He placed a hand on the small of her back and walked her down the hall, stopping at a door.  “This is me,” he said.  “Come in and let me at least bandage you up.”  Maggie regarded him warily. 

“I’m not an axe murderer, I promise,” he laughed.

She frowned.  “Isn’t that exactly what an axe murderer would say?” she said as he unlocked the door.

“Tell you what–we’ll leave the door open.  You can sit right here.”  He pointed to a bench in the foyer.  “If I make any sudden moves you can run for it,” he chuckled.

Sheepishly, Maggie sank onto the bench.  Truthfully, her knee hurt.  She set down her things and glanced up at him.  “Thanks,” she said quietly.

Bobby smiled and gestured to his right.  “I’ll just…go get my axe.”

She could hear him in another room rummaging around through something.  She removed her broken shoe and held up the dismembered heel.  It had come clean off the sole.  An image flashed through her mind of the shoe repair shop just around the corner from her apartment. 

“I can fix that for you.”  Startled, she looked up.  Bobby had returned with first aid supplies.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” she said quickly.  “There’s a shop near my place.”

He poured alcohol on some gauze and knelt beside her.  “It won’t take me two seconds,” he murmured, dabbing at her knee.

Maggie breathed in sharply.  “Ouch!  Ow ow ow!” she protested softly.

Bobby looked up at her.  “Sorry, cher,” he said, “we’ve got to get it cleaned out.”  Gently he grasped the back of her calf and raised her leg, wiping away the streaks of blood. 

Maggie stared at him, scarcely breathing.  There was something electric about his touch, so strong yet so tender.

He finished cleaning her shin and returned to her knee, carefully placing a large bandage over the scrape.  “There you are, good as new.  Well, almost,” he smiled. 

He took the shoe and heel from her.  “I really can fix this for you.  I’d just have to find my tools,” he nodded his head toward the other room.  “I should really unpack anyway,” he smiled ruefully.

Maggie rose from the bench and stood lopsided on one heel.  “I don’t want to be more trouble than I’ve already been.”

Something tells me that you’re all kinds of trouble, cher.  “It’s no trouble.  Besides, I’d be worried about you limping along like Quasimodo on your way home,” he laughed.

She laughed, too.  “Well, alright then.  Thank you.  And thanks for…”  She glanced down at her knee.

“It’s my pleasure, cher,” he said quietly.

Maggie felt as though suddenly all the air had gone out of the room.  She stared up into his amazing blue eyes.  She opened her mouth but no words came out. 

He spoke.  “Just stop by when you’re finished at Michael’s.  If I have to leave before that, I’ll bring you your shoe.”


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