Be My Guest On Tuesday: Samantha MacLeod and The Trickster Lover for only .99cents

Hello, readers, authors, and fans! I hope you have had good holidays and that you look forward to meeting the three authors I have prepared for you on Tuesday. In case you have missed the guests from my previous Tuesdays now it is the right time to catch up. Meet young and promising erotica authorContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: Samantha MacLeod and The Trickster Lover for only .99cents”

50+ FREE and 99cents Books – Scandalous Stocking Stuffers ***TODAY ONLY!***

50+ FREE and 99cents Books – Scandalous Stocking Stuffers ***TODAY ONLY!*** STUFF YOUR E-READER with Scandalous Stocking Stuffers TODAY ONLY! 50+ FREE books and $0.99 BARGAINS Download Here! … Seasonal/Holiday Reads Contemporary BDSM Erotica, Romance Steamy BBW, Hotwife, Lesbian & Menage Paranormal, Shifters, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Time Travel, Thriller … Download Here! On the downloadContinue reading “50+ FREE and 99cents Books – Scandalous Stocking Stuffers ***TODAY ONLY!***”

Ready For More Scandalous Offers by the Christmas Tree? Prepare To Stuff Your Stocking!

Scandalous Stocking Stuffers are going to help you STUFF YOUR eREADER!  That’s right, we’re hosting a bumper FREE books and $0.99 BARGAIN STUFF YOUR eREADER campaign on the 7th December! To celebrate we’re offering you the chance to WIN a $450 Amazon Gift Card.  All you need to do is answer one simple question when you enter the giveaway. By sharing thisContinue reading “Ready For More Scandalous Offers by the Christmas Tree? Prepare To Stuff Your Stocking!”

Review: King's Captain (Merely Players Book 2) by Ian D. Smith

Author: Ian D. Smith Genre: Erotic Romance Purchase link: My rating: 5 out of 5 Blurb: Paul is Hayley’s lover and now her leading man. But acting and portraying a hero on a period TV show takes far more than a suit of armour. He’s totally out of his depth, personally and professionally. Help arrivesContinue reading “Review: King's Captain (Merely Players Book 2) by Ian D. Smith”

Author Spotlight: Shelby Kent-Stewart

Today in the Author Spotlight I have a very special lady as a guest. I’m thrilled to introduce to you Ms. Shelby Kent-Stewart, political speech writer, sex-positive feminist, animals right advocate and so much more. Shelby also writes smart and sexy erotic romance with a dynamic plot, crisp dialogue, and fabulous characters.