Be My Guest On Tuesday: LN Bey and Blue

I have the pleasure of greeting the charming LN Bey today at Be My Guest On Tuesday. LN’s debut novel Blue is not new but since it is a fantastic erotic novel I really would like that more people should know about it. (You can check out my review for Blue here.) If you wantContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: LN Bey and Blue”

Be My Guest On Tuesday: Self Love by T.L. Clark

Long time no see! In this edition of Be My Guest On Tuesday I’m bringing TL Clark to your attention. She’s a British author with a penchant for love stories and coffee according to her bio. Today she’d like to bring your attention to her latest release, a witty tale of Self Love. If youContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: Self Love by T.L. Clark”