Be My Guest On Tuesday: LN Bey and Blue

I have the pleasure of greeting the charming LN Bey today at Be My Guest On Tuesday. LN’s debut novel Blue is not new but since it is a fantastic erotic novel I really would like that more people should know about it. (You can check out my review for Blue here.) If you wantContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: LN Bey and Blue”

#MidWeekTease – Act Like A Grown Woman #TheChallenge

Hey teasers, how have you been? I’m nearly at the end of writing Vol. I of that boxed set, The Challenge. I’ll most likely not finish the full story by the end of NaNoCamp but I’m on the right track. Today I’m sharing something from the midpoint in which the heroine finally gets a chanceContinue reading “#MidWeekTease – Act Like A Grown Woman #TheChallenge”

#MidWeekTease – Strangers In The Night

Morning, Wednesday lovers. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing teasers and snippets of my new NaNo project, a boxed set of five novellas named Strangers In The Night. A straight up kinky erotica of the adventures of a socially awkward nymphomaniac and the stranger who knows what she needs. That’s a little part ofContinue reading “#MidWeekTease – Strangers In The Night”

Cover Reveal: The Star(Strangers In The Night Vol.2)

I officially announce my giveaway for the first part of the series Strangers in the Night as closed. The winners who got a free copy of The Challenge and the second part, The Star, are the following: Mystk Knight – Author Amelia Black The Ardent Rose The second part of the series will make theContinue reading “Cover Reveal: The Star(Strangers In The Night Vol.2)”