#WIPITUP Wednesday – So We Meet Again – Unorthodox Chemistry #BDSM


Hello to all of you, Wipsters and readers. After weeks of not having written a single word on my project I finally got over the slight block I’ve been in. I’m currently getting closer to 45k mark and I’ll pick up the writing speed over the next few days. In any case, it was a living proof I’m no good as a pantser, or more specifically, I’m completely lost when I don’t plan a certain moment well enough. Anyway, our star-crossed lovers have their first meeting after months of separation.

Unorthodox Chemistry is Book 2 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, a sequel of Unorthodox Therapy, live on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Both the blurb and the cover are temporary.




It’s been months since the dominant programmer Thomas Jett parted ways with Lina Riley, his boss, mentor and submissive lover. Thomas is drowning in his own guilt and doubts, desperately trying to find peace with his past and forgiveness for his sins. Lina struggles to rebuild her destroyed life, her reputation as a CEO and not completely lose her sanity.

They can’t forget the intense chemistry and intimate connection they shared, the passion and the dynamics of their power exchange. And what is worse, neither Lina nor Thomas can move past the horror of the night that tore them apart.

One unexpected night will reunite them and ignite the embers of their furious, painful passion. While they are struggling with their invisible demons a very real enemy waits in the shadows, ready for a revenge. Will Lina find strength in subspace or that would be her ultimate demise? Can Thomas regain control over her and what is most important, over the darkest parts of his own psyche?


A bright flame of red hair caught my eye and my heart skipped a beat, just like each time I was seeing a woman with such a color. There was a moment when I’d find Lina in every ginger-haired female who’d come my way.

This one had her back turned to me and was far away enough so I couldn’t see her that well. She was tall and well-endowed and the bright red waves of her hair were gathered in a bun. There was nothing that really made her stand out and yet, it was hard to keep my eyes away from her, for some inexplicable reason. Just a fragment of her was enough to draw me. My heart suddenly began to beat faster as I looked harder at the stranger and the familiar shapes of her figure. She was wearing a gorgeous, backless dress, brighter than her hair, with a thigh high slit revealing a long leg clad in a stocking.

Allie called after me but I ignored her. I took a few careful steps in the stranger’s direction, with clenched fists, trying not to hyperventilate. The more I approached her the more familiar details I was seeing. The shapely curve of her ass and the elegance of her shoulders, the delicate neck I’ve been kissing and choking so many times, the graceful, regal posture…

No, that can’t be, she can’t be here… Many women look like this. She can’t know about tonight… no way.

Blood rushed straight to my head as the stranger began to turn around to face the stage. I was quick enough to hide out of her sight, right behind another Dom who was getting his dick sucked. The moment she showed her face, even with the creamy mask on, was the point of no return. The sudden wave of heat hit me so hard as if I had a bad case of the flu. The longing I’ve been suppressing came back with full force, crushing my will and bending me.

That was her.


She is here. Tonight. She really is here.


That’s all for now, I must go back to writing. If you visit my website for the first time and you are interested in keeping up with my work, feel free to subscribe to Lilah’s steamy mailing list. You even get a free story – http://eepurl.com/b4sN_H. And now head back to the WIPIT UP HQ for more snippets of works in progress.

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