Miss Ashlee Shades is a sweet and passionate lady who writes stories with a touch of erotica, spice and naughty situations. Make no mistake, though, it is a high-quality erotic romance and not trashy porn. Whether you’d choose some of her Revenge stories, the light BDSM series in her Submission series or any of her other series you won’t be disappointed. She puts her heart in her books and that makes them such a pleasure to indulge in.
Last week Ashlee released the second installment of her paranormal series, Blood Ties so I invited her for a cozy chat over her writing and life in general.

Lilah: Hello Ashlee, it’s a pleasure to have you here. Let’s kick it off with something standard so those who don’t know you might learn more about you. When did you first feel the desire to write and craft your own stories? What were your first attempts at writing?
Ashlee: Thank you so much for having me. In answer to your questions, I would say I have felt the desire to be a writer or craft my stories from as far back as I can remember. There was a story I wrote in elementary school, around the age of 8, about a family going on a road trip but their car had square wheels. It was a writing prompt given to us by my teacher at the time, and from there on I enjoyed making up my own stories, using my imagination and creativity to put words together and make up adventures for people. As I got older and life took turns, finishing school, getting married, and having children, I put writing on hold until 2013 when I picked it back up again. By the, however, my stories became more erotic in nature and not so innocent.
Lilah: How did you gather the courage to put your work out there? What was the hardest about being your own publisher? What was the best about it?
Ashlee: The hardest part of being my own publisher is doing it all myself. Until recently, I did not even have a PA, so I did it all myself – from writing to editing, promoting, and everything in between. I was fortunate enough to have an incredible hubby and partner her pushed me to pursue the publishing avenue, otherwise I never would have done so. And I have amazing friends, such as yourself, who have helped encourage me along the way to keep me going, along with readers.
The best part of it is having full control. Good or bad, it all rests on my shoulders and I don’t have anyone to tell me to change my story, to write it differently, or to change my focus somewhere else. I set my own pace, my own hours, and write what I want the way I want to write it.

Lilah: Was there a scene or a moment in your books up to date that was challenging and difficult to write?
Ashlee: Yes, actually. I love reading stories about tortured, dark men. I read plenty of wonderful stories when men are not ready to commit to one woman, or they are unfaithful. There is a scene in “A Heartless Invitation” where the leading male, while drawn sexually to the leading female, refuses to give into those urges and, instead, goes to other females for his outlet. It was difficult for me to write because I put myself in the woman’s shoes too often and it was hard to think like Master Andrews.
Lilah: Which one of the stories you have written is your favorite? Favorite characters?
Ashlee: That is a hard question to answer. I loved writing each of my stories. I remember writing them all, too. But my favourite may be my Blood Ties series. It was the first series I had ever written and was therapeutic for me while writing it. I poured a lot of my emotions into those stories, those character, Brielle, Dani, and Cassie.
My favourite character(s) would be Samantha and Brian from the Submission series.

Lilah: Would you do something different if you could turn back time at the beginning of your journey as a writer?
Ashlee: I think the only thing I would possibly change would be branding myself better. Doing more research, taking my time, and I would not have rushed. But as far as my stories go, I would not change a single one of them.
Lilah: You have been pretty prolific, with so many titles on Amazon. What are your best hours for writing? Do you write every day?
Ashlee: Up until recently, I was writing every day. Life took an emotional twist and I am just now finding my way back to writing again after a few months away to deal with things.My best hours for writing are late at night when everyone in the house is asleep. I do my best amount of writing between midnight and 2am.
Lilah: What advice would you give to a newbie author making their first steps in the jungle of self-publishing and writing?
Ashlee: Take your time. Research. Know yourself and what you want the world to see you as. And write. Just write. It doesn’t have to be good the first or second time as long as you are writing. And have faith in yourself. Not everyone is going to like everything you produce, but there will be people who will love it and appreciate you for putting it out there.
Lilah: What are your future plans and upcoming releases?
Ashlee: I plan to blog more. I have a few books I have been working on for over a year and I would like to finish those. For the year of 2017, I have 6 releases planned, and 4 of those books are already written and just waiting their turn.
Lilah: Thank you for spending some time with us Ashlee. Last thing before you go, tell us something about you that no one suspects.
Ashlee: Thank you, Lilah. I appreciate you taking the time to share these moments with me. Something no one suspects. Hmm, I would say they may not suspect I was a virgin until I met my hubby, and he is the only man I have ever been with.
Now, if you don’t have your copy of Ashlee’s latest book of the Blood Ties series, it’s time to correct that.

Dani, a strong-willed, independent woman, had been working herself to the bone, foolishly thinking she could ignore the attraction she felt to Adrian and Ryan, wolf-shifters and best friends of her sister’s mates.
Adrian and Ryan, successful professionals and werewolf shifters, know instantly that Dani is meant for them if they could only get her to accept it so they could begin their life together. Why does a girl have to be so stubborn?
During a house party to await the birth of Dani’s sister’s twins, they all realize Dani’s life is in danger when she is kidnapped after recovering from a poisoning. Moreover, the worst part is, they have a traitor among their friends.
Will they be able to flesh out the traitor and rescue Dani from the rival pack in time to save her life and begin their new life together, or will they be too late?
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You can also check the rest of my guest’s list of books.
Ashlee’s Catalogue
Blood Ties

“They were looking at her as if she was their meal and they hadn’t eaten in days. She was the prey, they were the predators, and she loved the excitement she felt deep inside…”
Brielle enjoyed her life as a young woman with close friends and a strong bond with her parents. Everything is perfect…
Cole was just fine; living his life as a highly sought after bachelor. He worked hard and played harder…never showing his emotional side…
Max was living the life. Youngest partner in his law firm, he never lacked for female companionship. People could depend on him. He was tall, strong, and well connected. Life couldn’t get better…
Then, one night, it all changes.
A spell, cast years before, is finally set into motion, and no one will ever be the same again.
A long kept family secret is revealed.
Bonds are formed.
But are those bonds, and blood ties, enough to save Brielle when she falls prey to a rival pack, set upon revenge, and willing to do anything it takes to gain control and power?
Only one way to find out.
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Club Darker

Tabitha Shaw: Young, beautiful, and always used to being in control, at all times, of every situation.
Master Andrews: Powerful, handsome, in-charge at all times. No woman touches him.
Tabitha falls in lust with Master Andrews in just one look and devises a plan to make him hers. After receiving a lower than expected score on an entrance test for employment in his club, Tabitha uses every trick at her disposal to make him fall under her spell and give her a better score. There is a position in his club she desires, and she is determined to get it.
What she didn’t plan on was Master Andrews being just as stubborn, in charge and in control as she is.
Master Andrews lets her play her little games when she meets him in his office, but he quickly puts her in her place. She is beautiful, yes, but she knows it. And she flaunts it. That is a behavior that will not be accepted in his club… if she gets in. Club Darker is an elite club that provides anonymity to its clients while catering to their darkest desires, and he only allows the best of the best to work and perform there. Ms. Shaw and her independence/stubbornness are a challenge and one he will gladly rise to. He hasn’t met a woman yet that he can’t train, and she will not be the first.
The Test is the first book in a three book series. While it can be enjoyed as a standalone, you may find more pleasure in reading each story to receive the full satisfaction of Tabitha and Master Andrews’s battle of wills.
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“When you are ready; when you are fully prepared, I will give you exactly what you want. I will bring you to the height of passion over and over again with my hands and my lips. I will kiss, suck, and caress each and every inch of your luscious body. And then, when you are at that peak, I will drive into you and send you soaring over the edge.”
If you received an anonymous invitation from a mysterious stranger for sensual lessons, would you accept?
What if said lessons were to be conducted while you were wearing a blindfold and you were to never lay eyes upon the mystery teacher? Would you then?
That is the question Samantha must answer.
Samantha, a successful and driven career girl, has decided enough is enough. After a series of horrible blind dates in which the men were either too young, too old, or just plain too self-centered, she has called an end to her dating life and decides to remain single for the rest of her days.
That is until she receives an enticing invitation, via email, from an anonymous sender for passionate, sensual lessons on the five senses: Sight; Taste; Touch; Smell; Hearing. He promises to teach her of her own deepest, darkest desires and cravings.
The only caveat: She must wear a blindfold during each lesson, and he will always remain anonymous throughout all their passionate lessons, and they will have to say good-bye at the completion of the final lesson.
Thrown into the mix are hot office co-workers, to whom she is physically attracted to.
Will Samantha accept the invitation that promises her more pleasurable, sensual bedroom experiences in her future?
Will she ever find out who this mystery billionaire “Teacher” is?
Just “one-click” now to find out.
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“Don’t forget, this is a lesson on relaxation, a game of seduction that I intend to win.”
~She was his weakness, because of her he learned how to appreciate life…~
~He was her strength, because of him she learned how to trust again…~
~Will the sensual lessons, the games of seduction, be enough to keep them together?~
It has been months since Samantha’s senses were awakened during her passionate lessons with the Teacher. She was thankful, every single day that she made the decision to respond to that first anonymous email. Those three meetings with him opened her eyes and taught her about her true, inner sensual and passionate desires and fantasies.
Since that time she has been enjoying playful games with her lover – a man who can play her body as well as any musician plays their instrument. Recently, however, his work has begun to take precedence over their “love” life, and she has been feeling a bit neglected while her lover has been overworked and terribly stressed.
What’s a girl to do? Well, if you are Samantha, you turn the tables on him and devise a game of passionate seduction that will help teach him to relax and enjoy the little things that he has been missing; like dinners, massages, and foreplay.
Will her lover enjoy the time they have together during her games?
Will he actually learn to take some time to truly savor all that life has to offer him, including Samantha, or risk losing her?
There is only one way to find out – by buying/borrowing the book!
“She knew! The little vixen knew what he was trying to do. There was nothing else he could do except to nod his head ‘yes’.
“Good. Now, tell me what it is that you just tasted.”
“That was carrots again, Samantha,” he answered.
“Well done.”
He waited for his reward – a kiss anywhere she chose. Everything was silent for a while; seconds passed, maybe even minutes, before he felt another kiss. This time she chose his upper chest between his pecs. Normally a kiss in this area would not do much in terms of arousing him, or exciting him, but this time it was most definitely doing that. Not knowing when to expect the kiss, then to feel her lips on his body was one of the most erotic experiences of his life.
“God that feels so damn good,” he moaned as she placed another kiss on his left pec, then a third kiss on his right.
“Mmm, do you have any idea how great you taste; how incredibly delicious each and every kiss is when placed upon your body? I go to sleep and dream of licking every…single…inch of your skin until you are ready to explode.” Her words were like a match igniting a flame within him, causing him to burn with desire. He needed more than these kisses. He had to have her, yet there was nothing he could do with his hands tied behind his back; a blindfold covering his eyes. He was completely at her mercy, and she was showing none.” Buy Now on Amazon

“It was ecstasy.
It was bliss.
It was Heaven.
It was love.
It was absolute perfect blind surrender.”
Three weeks, four days, and seven hours: The length of time that had passed since Brian woke up to an empty bed because he didn’t say those words. The three words that he felt with every fiber of his being, but were so difficult for him to say. I love you.
After a wonderful night, Samantha decided to tell Brian she loved him. After hearing nothing but silence from him in return she knew she had to leave – to protect her mind, heart, and soul. She just never factored in how painful and empty her life would be without him there.
Brian doesn’t take long to realize the mistake he made and knows it is time to get Samantha back where she belongs: with him. But Samantha isn’t ready to jump back in with him; she is strong and independent, she’s been hurt. She needs time. Time he is willing to give her for her heart to heal from the pain he caused her… He just isn’t sure how long she is going to need.
But he knows one thing for sure: He will need to surrender all to her. And he knows exactly how he is going to prove to her he has done that.
But is it too late? Has Samantha decided to keep the wall up around her heart to protect her from pain and heartache again?
Or is she willing to surrender to the love they had?
Buy now, to find out if Samantha will surrender to Brian in a way neither of them have before, or if she is going to walk away… forever.
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Sweet Revenge

For readers searching for a fun, light read about people getting their sweet revenge against their unfaithful partner…
Selene is happy. She is content. She is an independent woman with a hard-working, loving boyfriend. She has it all. Until she doesn’t.
Selene decides to surprise her boyfriend on his first night home from a long business trip. She sneaks into his home, and into his bedroom, only to find another woman occupying his bed with him. Hard-working is right! He is hard at work with another woman.
Not listening to his excuses, she storms out of his house and heads home to plot her sweet revenge, which consists of hooking up with a few of his best buddies and sending him photographic evidence of her fun.
Oh! And when he decides to show up at her apartment early one morning, begging for forgiveness, she decides to exact a little more sweet revenge in the form of submission and humiliation.
What kind of humiliation you ask? Well, you will have to buy, or borrow the book to find out.
Looking for a, hot, humorous, comedic light read short story about a scorned woman getting sweet revenge on her bad boy ex boyfriend. She’s taking control now, and she is driven to make him pay.
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For those who enjoy a fun, light read about people getting sweet revenge against their unfaithful partners…
Kiara was happy, in love, and content with her life. She had an amazing boyfriend – a man she loved and adored – and a terrific job. You could say that she was “living the life” The only thing that she would change would be to have her boyfriend travel a little less, but travel was part of his job, so she accepted it.
Then one night there is a phone call that destroys it all. Her perfect life isn’t so perfect after all…
Her perfect boyfriend had betrayed her in one of the most hurtful ways possible. Not only did she hear him speaking to the other person, but she followed him to the hotel to meet up with them. She watched through the curtains…
After picking up the pieces of her broken heart, and crying until her tears were dried up, she decided to seek sweet revenge in a hot and fun way. A way that would really upset Carter.
How does she get her sweet revenge? Do you you ask…
Well, they say that “Turnabout is fair play” right?
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For those seeking a fun, light story about sweet revenge…
Ex-model, Liana, couldn’t ask for more. Beautiful, successful, and madly in love with her gorgeous, hardworking husband. She had it all.
As she is shopping for a dinner date with her husband, she receives an email that will change her life. One that was so filled with lies and deceit, she didn’t believe it.
Not a word.
At least, she didn’t think she did, or should, until she followed the directions and checked his emails. And there it was, in black and white, proof that her husband was cheating on her.
The betrayal hurt, stung even. But not enough to stop her from seeking sweet revenge against him that he deserved. Oh, and she would enjoy every minute of it too, while he was left in a bind.
How did she get her sweet revenge? Well, you will just have to buy/borrow the book to find out, won’t you?
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“He walked into the kitchen and wrote a little note for her, filling her in on his plans. Plans that were supposed to include her, but those had changed.
He told her about the hotels, the sightseeing plans, and then the final destination.
Then he signed it: Happy anniversary. Hope Marcus was worth it.”
(For fans of people getting their sweet revenge against an unfaithful partner…)
Michael – loving and devoted husband – had planned the perfect trip. It was their anniversary, and he knew exactly what they wanted and needed. They had been working so hard lately, to make the life they both dreamed of. He made all the arrangements – hotel reservations, excursions, everything to make it a trip worth remembering. He spoke to his wife’s boss to guarantee his wife had the time off to enjoy herself, and to relax.
The car was packed and ready to go. He spoke to his wife to make sure she was going to be leaving on time to head home.
It as all set. All he needed was for his beautiful wife to come home so he could surprise her with her gift.
Nothing could go wrong. Could it?
Well, after hours of waiting, and worrying, he called his wife to find out where she was.
Let’s just say his wife wasn’t the only one who was going to receive a surprise.
What kind of surprise was Michael going to receive? You’ll have to grab the book to find out.
And what did he do when he found out his wife’s secret? Why, he sought sweet revenge in the hottest way possible…and made sure she was forced to join in.
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The Sweet Revenge Series is for readers searching for a fun, light read about people getting their sweet revenge against their unfaithful partner…
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Passionate Pleasures

In the mood for passionate pleasures?…
Lena, a driven career woman, works as a PA for successful billionaire Financial Investor, Mr. Carmichael, who happens to be one of the best looking men she had ever seen. He was the man of every woman’s dreams and the official office “hottie”. And an absolute pleasure to work for.
One night, shortly after she begins working for him, their relationship turns intimate. Heated looks, sensual touches turn to passionate pleasures she never could have imagined.
Mr. Carmichael had been attracted to Lena since the first day she walked into his office to interview for the PA job. Their affair was hot and steamy, she was his every fantasy come to life and he could never get enough of her. He craved her. He wanted nothing more than to give her pleasure beyond her wildest imagination.
They were living the dream in the office, in cars, on the counters, in hotel rooms, and even in elevators. The only problem is: they are married!
Will their relationship last? Will the passionate pleasure they are both giving and receiving continue? They both hope so.
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A short read romance that contains passionate pleasures – sure to please.
Belle, a naturally submissive woman, works as a third grade teacher in the school where Mr. Cooper is the Principal. All the female staff, Belle knew, wanted to be the one on the receiving end of Mr. Cooper’s passionate pleasures. Lucky for Belle, she was the one who was granted with those moments.
Mr. Cooper had been attracted to Belle since the first day he met her. Their affair was hot and steamy, she was every man’s fantasy come to life and he could never get enough of her. He craved her. Her desired her. He needed her like he needed no other woman. The passionate pleasures he experienced with just one touch of her: addictive.
They were living the dream in the office, on the desk, in hotel rooms, and even in elevators. The only problem is: they are married!
Will their relationship last? They both hope so.
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In the mood for an aviator, passionate pleasures romance?…
Lily, an adventure seeking flight attendant, works on the Cabin Crew for Worlds Apart Airlines where Jasper Stewart is the Captain – Aviator. He is handsome, dependable, a hard worker and was the man of every woman’s dreams. One evening, shortly after she begins working on his crew, the two of them had a few drinks where one thing led to another and they began their illicit affair filled with passionate pleasures.
Jasper wasn’t the only one who had been attracted to Lily, the beautiful young flight attendant who worked on his crew. His co aviator was infatuated with her as well. After a long flight, and a few drinks, Jasper turned his lust for her into a hot and steamy affair, taking advantage of her infatuation with aviators. She was his every fantasy come to life and he could never get enough of her. He craved her. He desired her. He needed her like he needed no other woman.
They were living the dream across the world in hotels…
in elevators…
in the plane bathrooms…
and even in the fuselage!
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The To-Do List Fantasies

Becky, an independent girl always up for some fun, just bought a condominium in a great neighborhood. She lives close to friends and loves taking advantage of being young.
YOLO, right?
One morning, while getting ready for work, Becky notices a leak in her bathroom, and the drain isn’t working properly. After getting the info from a friend, she calls the local plumber.
And falls in love!
His voice makes him sound like a dark angel, and she just can’t wait to meet him.
When he arrives at her home, he comes prepared to service more than just the faucet.
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Melanie, Lanie for short, was an independent and athletic young woman who prided herself on her looks and healthy lifestyle. She was active in every way, and needed no one. She had men chasing after her and never lacked for male attention.
Alexander, Xander to his friends, was a roofer who worked for the company Helping Hands Construction. He was a great looking guy and knew it. He was dominating and loved having everything his way. He was always in charge.
After a few days of suffering with leaks around her condominium, Lanie decides it’s time to call in a contractor to repair the holes. Hearing Xander’s voice on the phone excited her. She couldn’t wait to meet him and see if his looks matched his voice.
When he shows up, she isn’t disappointed. He is everything his voice led her to believe, and more. She greets him, thinking she could suggest a little fun, but little did she know he had his own ideas of what kind of payment he would accept.
He takes the tour of her home, inspecting the leaks to come up with a plan for repairs. He also had one philosophy: Always take payment before the work. Nail the details before exerting energy on any project.
So they worked together to nail out the details of the work order….
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He was gorgeous! And she was going to finally get a chance to go out with him…
She was beautiful! He had to have her.
Milania had only been working on the movie set for a short time, but it was long enough to develop an infatuation with Bad Boy player, Clayton. He was tall, handsome, and had the most amazing voice. He could melt the panties off a snow angel. If only she could overcome her shyness and gain the courage to speak to him. Sometimes a submissive nature has its downfalls.
Clayton had watched Milania every day since she started working on the set. She was absolutely beautiful! Tall, slender, brunette – just his type: Hot! He wanted her, and like the bad boy he was, he was going to take her out and show her a good time.
What followed was a delicious dinner, teasing dessert, and a steamy encounter that they both hoped would be more than just a one night stand…
But Clayton has one little secret… and Milania was in for a surprise come morning.
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Bad boy Dax is sick of school and so over the stress of his college classes (not to mention his pain in the behind Philosophy teacher). He decides to head out for the night with his buddies. There is a shy one, Dan. Then the outgoing one, Marcus. And Dax is the bad boy of the group. He isn’t one to be tied down to one person, and he enjoys his freedom and playing the field.
When he gets to the club, he immediately makes a connection with a hot girl there with her friends. After she approaches him, he leads her out on the dance floor for some cardio exercise. One thing leads to another and he finds himself back at her place.
After a night of fun, it is time to say goodbye. But… there is one tiny little thing he discovers before his abrupt departure.
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Chelsea has a loving, dedicated husband, Dmitry. He is a gorgeous bad boy, attentive, and willing to do just about anything to make all her dreams, and fantasies, come true.
For months she has been talking to him about one fantasy in particular – of being with two men at once. The second man? Her husband’s best friend, and fellow bad boy, James.
James is tall, gorgeous, and a man she would love the chance to be with, if only for one night, with her husband.
So, as a special treat for her birthday, her husband and James decide to make her dream – fantasy – a reality.
One night only…
Two Bad Boys…
All attention on her.
Talk about a birthday to remember!
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Sean and Ronan – best buddies. Both bad boys, good-looking – players – never lacking for female attention.
Every Friday night they meet up at their favorite bar, scope out the chicks, and decide who they were each taking home. Some Fridays they got lucky and each found a girl, some Fridays they shared one, but every Friday they played the game.
The game where they hook up with and then rate the girls to determine who hooked up with the best one. What else do two bored bad boys do?
Until this Friday, when everything changed. This Friday they meet Candace. She is gorgeous, outgoing, and definitely one to take control. And this chick is willing to take them both on, and show them how the game is played.
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Each short story in this one night stand collection features a bad boy (or two), hot women, and steamy fun. Every story is approx. 3,200 words in length.
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Ashlee Shades’ Social Media Links
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011078263652
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