Review of Blind Seductions by Ashlee Shades

Author: Ashlee Shades Genre: Erotic Romance Purchase link: My rating: 5 of 5 Blurb: “Don’t forget, this is a lesson on relaxation, a game of seduction that I intend to win.” ~She was his weakness, because of her he learned how to appreciate life…~ ~He was her strength, because of him she learned how toContinue reading “Review of Blind Seductions by Ashlee Shades”

Unorthodox Therapy on David Perlmutter’s My Way 6: Sex For The Beach

In the early spring I received a message from David P Perlmutter, author of the true crime biography novel Wrong Place Wrong Time and creator of the My Way anthologies that give a chance of different authors from various genres to showcase their work. He was interested in erotica writers for his latest compilation. As a coincidence,Continue reading “Unorthodox Therapy on David Perlmutter’s My Way 6: Sex For The Beach”