Thorne: Rose's Dark Contract – Only .99c For A Limited Time

My good friend and a talented author R.B. O’Brien makes a special promotion for her readers. The next four days you can buy the first part of her Thorne novels for only .99c the next 4 days. It is available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. You can read my review Of Thorne: Rose’s Dark Contract here.Continue reading “Thorne: Rose's Dark Contract – Only .99c For A Limited Time”

As Good As Dead by C.P. Mandara Live on Amazon

Good As Dead  Blurb: Six people want her dead. Lainey Hargreaves has a secret that she must keep at all costs. It’s a secret that could change the face of the earth, forever. But not all secrets can be kept, and when hers begins to escape, she is certain that death will follow.

Box set of Bound, Spanked and Loved – Special Promotion until Feb 15 2016

If you love good stories of spanking and BDSM you’re going to love that special box set and the special price you can get it for. You can purchase the full box set of Bound, Spanked and Loved for only .99c until February 15th 2016 on Amazon. Indulge yourself in these over 700 pages ofContinue reading “Box set of Bound, Spanked and Loved – Special Promotion until Feb 15 2016”