Be My Guest On Tuesday: Pandora Spocks Presents Lost and Bound

It’s Tuesday so it’s time for another guest spotlight. A few months ago the lovely Pandora Spocks who was kind enough to attend my  Author Spotlight and interview. She said she was working on a new novel with a light BDSM theme similar to her first book, Luke and Bella. Lost and Bound, the story of aContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: Pandora Spocks Presents Lost and Bound”

Leone Nor:Five Girls by Naya Free Available for Pre-Order

The wonderful author Naya Free that I presented to you through a spotlight a month ago has some great news for you. Her novel of Leone Nor, the seductive, sensitive and intriguing naval officer, is already available for pre-order and you can claim your copy today on Amazon. Its official release date is July 27th

Unorthodox Therapy Live for Preorder

After months of intense writing, editing, beta reading and cover design Unorthodox Therapy is officially a fact. My debut novel and a first installment of the upcoming trilogy has been approved by the gods of the Amazon jungle and is available for pre-order at The official release date when you can have the bookContinue reading “Unorthodox Therapy Live for Preorder”