Stuff your E-reader with the Scandalous Spirited Reads

Scandalous Spirited Reads are going to help you STUFF YOUR eREADER!  That’s right, we’re hosting a bumper FREE books and $0.99 BARGAIN STUFF YOUR eREADER campaign on the 5th October! To celebrate we’re offering you the chance to WIN a $300 Amazon Gift Card.  All you need to do is answer one simple question when you enter the giveaway. By sharing this competitionContinue reading “Stuff your E-reader with the Scandalous Spirited Reads”

Unorthodox Therapy: Party Invitation + Teaser

I started writing that novel in November for NaNoWriMo. I have never believed I’d live to put the words The End at the bottom of the file I’ve been using for the rough draft. It’s been difficult, awesome and inspiring time, with a lot of hard work that is far from over. But now thatContinue reading “Unorthodox Therapy: Party Invitation + Teaser”

Unorthodox Therapy Live for Preorder

After months of intense writing, editing, beta reading and cover design Unorthodox Therapy is officially a fact. My debut novel and a first installment of the upcoming trilogy has been approved by the gods of the Amazon jungle and is available for pre-order at The official release date when you can have the bookContinue reading “Unorthodox Therapy Live for Preorder”

Author Spotlight: Naya Free

The Author Spotlight of Noir column has officially moved from Monday to Thursday and they’ll take place every week. My first Thursday guest is one of the loveliest, smartest and most free-spirited women I’ve ever had the pleasure to associate with. Ms. Naya Free. She is a Wicked Pen Writer and author of series of shortContinue reading “Author Spotlight: Naya Free”

Blurb and Cover Reveal for Thorne: Rose's Dark Secret

You can read details of the party R.B. O’Brien and I threw to celebrate our covers here. I present to your attention her cover and blurb of the second book o the Thorne series. What? You’re telling me you haven’t read the first one? Hurry up to Amazon now. 🙂 Visit R.B O’Brien’s website if youContinue reading “Blurb and Cover Reveal for Thorne: Rose's Dark Secret”

Unorthodox Therapy Cover Reveal

This Sunday afternoon R.B. O’Brien and me had a small party where we revealed the covers of our upcoming books. It’s been one of my most pleasant experiences in my experience as a self-published author. It was due to the amazing guests who arrived and joined the fun of our games and giveaways. You canContinue reading “Unorthodox Therapy Cover Reveal”

Thorne: Rose's Dark Contract Launch Party

My good friend and talented author R.B. O’Brien is right on the edge again but not with Natalie and Michael. Prepare to meet and love hew new characters – William and Victoria – and their deliciously fucked up, sadistic and tender relationship. In order to celebrate her long expected release she cordially invites you toContinue reading “Thorne: Rose's Dark Contract Launch Party”

Steaming Tease of Unorthodox Therapy, Promo Art and News

Those of you who follow my blog and releases know that for the past three months I have been working on my debut full-length novel, Unorthodox Therapy – psychological erotic suspense with elements of BDSM and thriller. I’m proud and pleased to announce that on February the 3rd I finalized the first draft. There isContinue reading “Steaming Tease of Unorthodox Therapy, Promo Art and News”

Cover Reveal: THORNE: Rose's Dark Contract by R.B. O'Brien

According to the author’s words this novel might have never seen the light of day. Lucky to those of us who enjoy our romances dark and kinky Ms. R.B. O’Brien finished her manuscript and it would be released in February 2016. The author of the Natalie’s Edge trilogy is in the final stages of preparationContinue reading “Cover Reveal: THORNE: Rose's Dark Contract by R.B. O'Brien”