Review: Thorne: Rose's Dark Contract by R.B. O'Brien

Author: R.B. O’Brien Genre: Erotic Suspense, Erotic Romance Purchase link: My rating: 5 of 5 Blurb: Show me the steep and thorny way to heaven…the primrose path—Shakespeare William Thorne is a powerful man with dark needs and a troubled past who doesn’t have the time nor the desire for romantic relationships or notions. Through meticulous planningContinue reading “Review: Thorne: Rose's Dark Contract by R.B. O'Brien”

Cover Reveal: THORNE: Rose's Dark Contract by R.B. O'Brien

According to the author’s words this novel might have never seen the light of day. Lucky to those of us who enjoy our romances dark and kinky Ms. R.B. O’Brien finished her manuscript and it would be released in February 2016. The author of the Natalie’s Edge trilogy is in the final stages of preparationContinue reading “Cover Reveal: THORNE: Rose's Dark Contract by R.B. O'Brien”