The Brat With The Phoenix Tattoo LIVE on Amazon


Amazon turned out to be surprisingly quick and they didn’t require any goat sacrifices to make my little cute novella go live. You can purchase it or read it for free if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber on If you have a thing for dirty, hardcore stories mixed with second chance romance and a happy ending, you may enjoy this one… and decide if you want to go through the rest of the seasons with Paul and Sage. It will be a rough, emotional roller coaster. Meanwhile, enjoy the sweetness of forbidden fruit and unexpected summer love.



Sage Phoenix has been the thorn in Paul Skyler’s side ever since their final night of high school. She was a bright spot of chaos in his cerebral world of logic and order. The manic pixie dream girl who drove him crazy and left him panting, seduced and longing for more of her spell. The only woman who ever saw him in his most naked and vulnerable state.
For years Paul’s been dreaming of nothing but giving her a taste of her own poison. When he spots Sage behind the glass of her run down tattoo studio he knows he’d never get a better chance. His briefcase contains everything necessary to punish her, put her through her paces and keep her on the edge and at his mercy… just to humiliate her completely and leave her bound to her own tattoo chair.
Little does he suspect that by the end of the night he’d be too addicted to their power exchange to walk away. Little does she know that by the end of the summer she’d be completely under his spell.



The moment we entered my spacious room Sage placed the toolbox with her equipment on the bedside table and turned to me.

Take off all your clothes.”

I blinked in bewilderment.

I… what?” I took a step back and pushed my hands deep into the pocket of my suit jacket. “Sage, I don’t know…”

I plan to tattoo a very small phoenix on your lower abdomen, really low. A sort of signature.” She smiled coldly and crossed her arms before her chest while checking me out. “I don’t want any clothes getting in the way.”

I… is that even a legit tattoo practice?” I felt the redness creep up my neck and breathed out. My cock has been semi-erect the whole evening just from being close to her. There was no doubt what undressing for Sage would do to me. I couldn’t live with such a shame and humiliation.

You said it yourself, Paul.” She shrugged and removed the shawl from her shoulders, tossing it on a nearby chair. “I blackmailed you. So do as I say because, if you remember, I won our bet fair and square. Be a man and keep your end of the deal. Or what? You have some pathetic small cock and you are afraid I’d make fun of you?”

That was probably the first time in my life I was pressed in the corner, knocked down several pegs by the most unexpected rival. There was nothing I could say to her word and no way to make it out of the situation without looking like a coward. I swallowed again and looked down, knowing that no matter what happened from this point on she had won.

I avoided her eyes while I was taking my suit jacket and dress shirt off. At least when it came to physique I had nothing to be ashamed of. My body was far from that of an athletic god but I had strong, lean legs and arms and well-developed chest. School work and mental development were my top priorities but I was also an active runner and swimmer. In that moment while I was disrobing in front of Sage I was grateful in spending enough time on physical exercises and keeping up in good shape.

Not that she showed in any way if she was impressed. She stood there staring at me with an unreadable expression and her arms still crossed, watching me like an object. After I kicked off my shoes and suit pants I felt the rush of sudden, virginal shyness. No other woman in my adult life had seen me fully naked and that increased the sense of vulnerability growing at the pit of my stomach. I ran my hand over the bulge in my boxers, hesitating before I pulled them down. It would be different if Sage was also taking her clothes off; it would put us on equal foot. The fact that I was nearly in my birthday suit while she remained in her gorgeous dress, almost regal and authoritative, kicked the power play to a whole new level.

Please, do I have to…” I sounded pathetic with my low, whimpering voice and the redness heating my entire face. It was impossible to see myself but I felt it so intensely as if my skin was burned.

Paul, I don’t have the entire night.” She cut me off and knelt next to the bedside table to prepare her equipment. “I want you fully naked.”

I bit my tongue and breathed in, trying to find courage in that utter humiliation. By that time I was already fully hard and the head of my cock was oozing heavy precum down the shaft. It was supposed to be the most erotic and sensual moment in my life. Instead, I was choked with shame, pride, and fear and I could no longer deny my lust for her.

After what seemed like an eternity I pulled my boxers down, letting my erect member spring out. I shut my eyes and kicked the useless underwear aside. Sage reacted in such a chill way at the sight of my fat shaft and purple head as if she was seeing men getting hard for her every day. She was as cold and clinical as a nurse with long years of experience.

What was happening with me? I always had such a perfect control over my emotions, why couldn’t I shut myself off right now?

Good.” She said and nodded in the direction of the bed. “Lie down and try to relax. I’ll be as quick as possible.” Sage had already set up her tattoo machine while I was fumbling with my clothes.

I didn’t want to relax. I wanted to go to her, take the machine out of her hand and turn it off. Then I’d kiss her with as much tenderness as possible and beg her to spare me that agony, to forget about our stupid bet. We could have one beautiful first and last time together, to get to know our bodies, to share our passion. I didn’t need ink to know that strange girl had left her mark on my lifeline.

Instead, I just followed her orders and went to the bed with shaking legs and throbbing cock. My eyes were getting moist with excitement, grief, and horror. Sage didn’t change her expression the whole time as she positioned herself on her knees, next to the table where her ink was. Even if kneeling implied submission there was no doubt who was the one holding the power at that moment.

Did you enjoy it? You can read the other excerpts here and here.

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