Today in the Author Spotlight I have a very special lady as a guest. I’m thrilled to introduce to you Ms. Shelby Kent-Stewart, political speech writer, sex-positive feminist, animals right advocate and so much more. Shelby also writes smart and sexy erotic romance with a dynamic plot, crisp dialogue, and fabulous characters.
Category Archives: Interviews
Author Spotlight: Meet Charlotte E. Hart
My guest at Author Spotlight today is the fabulous Ms. Charlotte E. Hart, an author of delicious kinky suspense, gin lover, traveler and connoisseur of the fine things in life, such as well-rounded sadists. She is an author of the White trilogy, a character-driven story, and definitely not the traditional billionaire erotic romance with a bitContinue reading “Author Spotlight: Meet Charlotte E. Hart”
Author Spotlight: Meet Author Tori Dean
Tori Dean is a sunny, fun loving girl who enjoys sweet romance, a good drink, strong coffee and a lot of dancing. Tori believes that “dancing to music is an expression of love, freedom and can be an escape to help you relax. It’s sensual and sexy in forms of making love if you let theContinue reading “Author Spotlight: Meet Author Tori Dean”
To Romania With Love: An Interview with the Ardent Rose
Today is a very special day for one of the newest Wicked Pen writers – the lady known as the Ardent Rose. She releases To Romania With Love the first book of her new series, International Lovers. This authoress with wild imagination is known for her erotic romance books Louisiana Lovers and Building Passion, as wellContinue reading “To Romania With Love: An Interview with the Ardent Rose”
Thorne: Rose's Dark Contract Launch Party
My good friend and talented author R.B. O’Brien is right on the edge again but not with Natalie and Michael. Prepare to meet and love hew new characters – William and Victoria – and their deliciously fucked up, sadistic and tender relationship. In order to celebrate her long expected release she cordially invites you toContinue reading “Thorne: Rose's Dark Contract Launch Party”
A Thing of Beauty: Interview with Bianca M. Schwarz
It is my great pleasure to introduce you to Ms. Bianca M. Schwarz – a talented writer and intriguing lady. Today is a big day for her – she is getting her debut novel – A Thing of Beauty: A Dark Historical Thriller – a beautiful blend of historical novel, mystery with gothic elements andContinue reading “A Thing of Beauty: Interview with Bianca M. Schwarz”