#WIPITUP Wednesday – Chapter 1 of Unorthodox Chemistry

Hello there, WIPsters. Long time no see. I hope you have been doing well. Technically, what I’m about to share with you is not a work in progress. However, I’ve been sharing snippets of my novel, Unorthodox Chemistry ever since November 2016. I thought I should let you know the book is fully edited andContinue reading “#WIPITUP Wednesday – Chapter 1 of Unorthodox Chemistry”

Valentine Week: Chasing Ordinary by Pandora Spocks

Pandora Spocks is one of my favorite romance writers, equally skillful when she writes kinky or vanilla relationships. Today she offers you her contemporary fairytale that you can pick up for only 99 cents. Hurry up before that spicy vanilla story goes back to regular price. Chasing Ordinary Media Kit T he Basics: Title: ChasingContinue reading “Valentine Week: Chasing Ordinary by Pandora Spocks”

Amazon Gift Cards + Gift E-Books Anniversary Contest

It’s been two magical years since I decided to publish my first book. I’m not much of a party girl but I love celebrating the important dates of my life. I’m in a generous mood and this year I’m throwing a small contest for my readers, with some special prizes. 1st place – A $25Continue reading “Amazon Gift Cards + Gift E-Books Anniversary Contest”

Unorthodox Dom – Cover Reveal and Teaser #NSFW 18+

Unorthodox Dom is a short novella, a prequel to the Unorthodox Trilogy, taking place four years prior the events in Unorthodox Therapy. It will come out by the end of September, I will announce the release date. As for Book 2 and 3 of the Unorthodox Trilogy, you can expect a release in November ifContinue reading “Unorthodox Dom – Cover Reveal and Teaser #NSFW 18+”

Be My Guest On Tuesday: Charlotte E. Hart and Once Upon A

Hello again to another edition of Be My Guest on Tuesday. Today the lovely author of dark erotic suspense, Ms. Charlotte E. Hart, paid me a visit to present her newest release, Once Upon A, the beginning of a brand new series for her after the White trilogy and VDB. If you’d like to readContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: Charlotte E. Hart and Once Upon A”

Be My Guest On Tuesday: R.B. O’Brien, William Thorne and Rose’s Dark Awakening

Hello there, ladies and gents, I hope you have your air conditioning on and your fans ready because things are going to become HOT, HOT, HOT in here. He’s dark, he’s mysterious, he’s brooding and has often shown up in your fantasies. Please, welcome, the one, the only, WILLIAM THORNE, the leading man in R.B.Continue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: R.B. O’Brien, William Thorne and Rose’s Dark Awakening”

Author Spotlight: Meet Kat Crimson

Meet Kat Crimson – a smart erotic romance writer, book cover designer, a proud cat woman, entrepreneur and a force to be reckoned with.  Today is the release date of her second novel of the Hardwood’s Harlots series, Dot Matrix: Mistress of the Stage. Kat was kind enough to spare some minutes of her time toContinue reading “Author Spotlight: Meet Kat Crimson”

#SatSpanks I Can Take You To Dark Scary Places #BDSM

Morning to all lovers of spanking for discipline and fun. Have a little snippet of my sexy summer romance (Okay, okay, my sexy dub-con hardcore yet sweet summer romance). Blurb: Sage Phoenix has been the thorn in Paul Skyler’s side ever since their final night of high school. She was a bright spot of chaosContinue reading “#SatSpanks I Can Take You To Dark Scary Places #BDSM”

Cover Reveal: New Beginnings by Sarah Stein

Sarah Stein is my guest today, with a cover reveal of her latest novella, New Beginnings. New Beginning’s Blurb Cherise Cherise feels her life is consumed by her children and work after losing her husband in a car accident. She’s pushed all those who have cared for her away so she could focus on theContinue reading “Cover Reveal: New Beginnings by Sarah Stein”

Be My Guest On Tuesday: Mystk Knight and The Bequest (Rigger Book 2)

Another Tuesday came along and I have one fantastic lady and BDSM writer as a guest. Mystk Knight’s books of the world of Dominance, submission, rope bondage and other lovely things are pretty short. However, they are hot and well-written enough to make you boil with need and lust. Just a week ago she released PartContinue reading “Be My Guest On Tuesday: Mystk Knight and The Bequest (Rigger Book 2)”